
I started this blog years ago. I had been in the periphery of tabletop games and participated in a few since 2010, but when a group of us started a Storm King’s Thunder campaign, I decided to throw myself into it, dedicating myself to learning all I could about the world’s greatest roleplaying game. In this blog and the accompanying dungeons_and_doodles_ Instagram, I set out to research and post reports on classes, races, monsters. I started sharing memes my friends sent to me or I found in the wild—there was a lot to be learned in the process of getting caught up on the references and jokes.

Over these past few years spent in the online realm of tabletop games, I’ve met wonderful people from all around the world. I’ve fallen in love with the vibrant ttrpg community. It’s reignited my creative spirit, kept me close to friends, gave me something to look forward to even in difficult times. Dungeons and Dragons has changed my life in so many ways and I will always be grateful to the brilliant minds behind the game and the community that is so welcoming and kind.

The dungeons_and_doodles_ Instagram account sparks great conversations, but there’s only so much you can do in one meme caption! This blog is to expound on those thoughts, share tales from our tabletop, compile cool community happenings, ttrpg news, and resources.

If you see me reference my D&D character anywhere online and I don’t specify, you can bet that’s Faelinthara Moonwalker, level 17 Circle of the Moon druid in our Storm King’s Thunder-turned homebrew masterpiece.

Welcome! I’m glad you’re here!

Author: dungeonsanddoodles

Just here to write some words and roll some dice. Faelinthara Moonwalker on the internet. IG: dungeons_and_doodles_